(PHP) Get a list of run database queries in Laravel
This is great if you want to see what queries are actually run when using Eloquent. [php] // Get all querys run $queries = DB::getQueryLog(); // If you want to sort them by time this works usort($queries, function ($a, $b) { return $a[‘time’] < $b[‘time’]; }); // Print them on screen in a readable way…
(PHP) Log Laravel execution time to console
Put this in app/start/global.php to get Laravels execution time to the browser console log. L4 [php] $start = microtime(true); App::finish(function() use ($start) { echo "<script>console.log(‘App finish: ".round((microtime(true) – $start) * 1000, 3)." ms’)</script>"; }); [/php] This works with L5: [html] This page took {{ (microtime(true) – LARAVEL_START) }} seconds to render [/html]
Convert CSV to SQL
This tool is fantastic! It saved me many hours of work, when I had complex CSV files I needed to turn into SQL tables
(HTML) Form element arrays
Sometimes you might want to group form elements in arrays. Here’s a way to do that: [html] <form> <input type="text" name="textboxes[]"> <input type="text" name="textboxes[]"> <input type="text" name="textboxes[]"> </form> [/html] The structure of the $_POST array will then be: [php] Array ( [textboxes] => Array ( [0] => value 1 [1] => value 2 [2] =>…
(PHP) sorting an array on a specific value
Simple way to sort an array with usort on a specific value using a comparator. [php] usort($myArray, function ($a, $b) { return $a[‘foo’] > $b[‘foo’]; }); [/php]
(CSS) How to center a div without width
I needed to center a div with dynamic content, so I couldn’t set a fixed width. Since margin: 0 auto; really won’t do anything if the element doesn’t have a fixed width you can solve it like this: HTML [html] <div id="container"> <div class="centered">My dynamic content, that will be centerd</div> </div> [/html] CSS [css] .centered…
(PHP) Allow any delimiter in CSV file
In a Laravel app I made the users would upload CSV files. The problem was that fgetcsv only allows a single delimiter character, and it needs to be defined. The problem with that is that when a user exports a CSV from MS Excel – it could end up using a wide array of delimiters depending on the locality…
Test localhost email with a simplified SMTP server
For checking the emails going out from your local server (without actually sending them). Use papercut. If you’re using Laravel, then make sure to setup your app/config/mail.php correctly: ‘driver’ => ‘smtp’, ‘host’ => ‘localhost’, ‘port’ => <your papercut port>, ‘encryption’ => ”,
(PHP) Eloquent doodles for Laravel
[php] // Get model by primary key $myModel = MyModel::find($id); //Where can use short syntax for equal comparison. $myModels = MyModel::where(‘someAttribute’, ‘=’, ‘someValue’)->get(); $myModels = MyModel::where(‘someAttribute’, ‘someValue’)->get(); // Delete models $affectedRows = MyModel::where(‘someAttribute’, ‘someValue’)->delete(); // Select distinct $distincts = MyModel::distinct()->select(‘someAttribute’)->where(‘someAttribute’, ‘someValue’)->get(); // Select with Limit and offset $myModels = MyModel::limit(30)->get(); $myModels = MyModel::limit(30)->offset(30)->get(); [/php] Different…