(PHP) Eloquent doodles for Laravel
[php] // Get model by primary key $myModel = MyModel::find($id); //Where can use short syntax for equal comparison. $myModels = MyModel::where(‘someAttribute’, ‘=’, ‘someValue’)->get(); $myModels = MyModel::where(‘someAttribute’, ‘someValue’)->get(); // Delete models $affectedRows = MyModel::where(‘someAttribute’, ‘someValue’)->delete(); // Select distinct $distincts = MyModel::distinct()->select(‘someAttribute’)->where(‘someAttribute’, ‘someValue’)->get(); // Select with Limit and offset $myModels = MyModel::limit(30)->get(); $myModels = MyModel::limit(30)->offset(30)->get(); [/php] Different…
How to make OSX use MAMP php instead of system version
Getting OSX to install Laravel properly is a minor nightmare. Here are some good instructions on how to get it to use MAMP php instead of the broken default one that comes with OSX.