
  • (JS) Super simple slider/carousel/slideshow

    Here’s how you can make a super simple slideshow that changes slides on a timer interval. You could easily edit it so any other event, like a mouse click, will trigger the slide() function. You can see it in action HERE HTML [html] <div class="slider"> <div class="slide red"> <p>THIS IS SLIDE 1</p> </div> <div class="slide…

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  • CSS3 box shadow

    A nice feauture in CSS3 is the box-shadow. Instead of working with tedious PNG-images you can add shadows to any element with the CSS property box-shadow. The syntax works like this: box-shadow: <offset-x> <offset-y> <blur> <spread> <color> <inset> The offset settings will set the angle of the shadow. Where it will be cast in relation to…

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