(Android) Delay method call
This is how you could delay a method call for a given amount of time. I’ve used this to have an alert dialog pop up a few second after starting an activity. This will fire myMethod() after 3000 miliseconds:
This is how you could delay a method call for a given amount of time. I’ve used this to have an alert dialog pop up a few second after starting an activity. This will fire myMethod() after 3000 miliseconds:
Here’s a quick way to check if Google Play Store is installed. I use this to keep activities that use in-app billing from crashing on devices that doesn’t have Google Play Store. Works fine in the emulator as well. If the method returns false, I’ll just give the user an alert telling them they need… Read More »
This Android emulator is fantastic www.genymotion.com
Here is a really nice and clean tutorial for making an activity with tabs. http://www.androidhive.info/2013/10/android-tab-layout-with-swipeable-views-1/
This method will find out if screen is a tablet size. You could of course make this even more corner case-compliant by getting the units dpi (dot per inch) and use the Pythagorean theorem to find the actual inch size of the diagonal. But this will probably suffice for most case.
Here’s one pretty simple way to get your custom view to restore its current state after an orientation change: You can of course put any values in there, for example if you need to restore fields. (quickly plotted code. Haven’t run it, but it should work)
Create a new bitmap, with the size and config of the bitmap you wish to change. Create a Canvas and prepare it to paint to the new bitmap. Paint the new bitmap with your color using the canvas object. Draw the old bitmap to the new bitmap through the canvas object. Do what you want… Read More »
A simple function to convert dp into pixels. Use when you have to pass pixels to a method and want to keep everything to scale. From Android Developer Center : pxPixels – Corresponds to actual pixels on the screen. This unit of measure is not recommended because the actual representation can vary across devices; each… Read More »
Set your number picker to show leading zeros by applying a formatter to it. Example is using an anonymous instance, but of course it doesn’t have to. For %02d this goes: 0 for filling with zeros 2 for length of 2